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Université de Montréal


Michael Pecho, a University of Montreal law graduate, has worked in philanthropy in Montreal and abroad for over 20 years. Prior to joining his alma mater, he was Executive Director, Primary Gifts, University Advancement at McGill University, where he played a key role in the “Made by McGill: the Campaign for Our Third Century” campaign.

Michael Pecho began his fundraising career with UNICEF, for which he worked in Senegal and at UN headquarters in New York. He has occupied senior positions with the Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation, the INRS Foundation and the Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital.


The Vice-Rector of Alumni and Philanthropy supports the University of Montreal's projects and outreach efforts by developing a network of engaged alumni and fostering a culture of long-term philanthropy in the community. The Alumni and Donor Network is a cornerstone of the Vice-Rector’s office. It secures private funding for the strategic priorities of the institution and its units, and builds lasting, rewarding relationships with our alumni, donors, volunteers and friends to involve them in UdeM's mission and outreach. It aims to be the destination of choice for people who want to contribute to society by supporting the creation and dissemination of knowledge through giving and personal engagement.


Alexis Persouyre



 514 343-5869

Claude Bernard

Executive Director, Strategy and Operations


 514 343-5710

Alexandra Jeanty

Director of Special Donations


 514 343-2414

Emilie L. Cayer

Executive director, Philanthropy


 514 343-6111 #8832

Carole Féré

Director of Communications, Marketing and Donor Relations


 514 343-6111, ext. 13127

Julie Michaud-Soret

Director of Strategy, Volunteer Management  and Assistant Director, Major Campaign


 514 343-6111 #13438

Maryève Tassot

Director of Engagement


 514 343-6111, ext. 8831

Éric Allard

Director of Operations and Data Management


 514 343-7204

Contact information of the Vice-Rector

Street address
Pavillon Roger-Gaudry, bureau H-515-1
2900, boulevard Édouard-Monpetit
Montréal (Québec) H3T 1J4

Mailing address
C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-ville
Montréal (Québec) H3C 3J7