Université de Montréal’s University Assembly unanimously adopted this statement
of principles at its 629th special session on June 14, 2021.
Université de Montréal is
an independent institution devoted to the creation and dissemination of knowledge. As such, it is a vehicle for change and a meeting place for discussion, debate and academic controversy. It supports the development of critical perspectives and promotes the mobilization of knowledge in society. This mission rests on a commitment by all parties to free academic discussion.
Université de Montréal reaffirms
its institutional independence from funding agencies, government authorities, political entities, economic actors and philanthropic organizations, and will protect this independence.
Université de Montréal upholds and protects
the freedom of expression of all members of the university community, within the limits of institutional regulations and policies, and Québec and Canadian law.
Université de Montréal upholds and protects
faculty members’ academic freedom, pedagogical choices and avenues of research. Therefore, no word, concept, image or work can be categorically excluded from debate and critical examination in the course of university teaching and research.
Université de Montréal upholds and protects
the freedom of expression of members of its student body by fostering an environment conducive to student expression and learning, including in their choice of avenues of research.
Université de Montréal is
a community embedded in constantly evolving social realities. It is a socialization space where individuals with a variety of roles and positions in the institution interact. As such, it ensures that all university activities – on campus, off campus or in virtual mode – promote free discussion among participants, bearing in mind the context and the composite nature of the university community.
Université de Montréal is committed
to promoting respectful discussion among its members and with guests invited to give lectures, deliver papers or speak at academic events. It ensures that all members of the university community can report any incident in confidence and receive appropriate support to resolve any problematic situation.
Université de Montréal condemns
all hate speech, and all discriminatory or racist remarks and insults. In no case is such speech protected by principles of academic freedom or freedom of expression.